Directorate Of University Publications
The Directorate of University Publications has been established at Lahore Leads University with the object of propagating the affairs and functioning of the University among the people at large. This out-reach component of the University facilitates the maintenance of a close relationship between the University and her major stake-holders i.e. the students. It also engenders an air of familiarity and friendship between the University administration and the government through timely projection of the salient academic and co-curricular activities on the campus. The university publications are of perennial value as the directorate chronicles all developments statutory, administrative, academic, infra-structural or of co-curricular kind, on periodical basis. The Directorate of University publications brings out updated editions of the publications mentioned below, with the purpose of facilitating the students in learning about the general norms followed on the campus and maintaining a record of happenings and decisions for ready reference.
The University Prospectus
Prospectus of the Lahore Leads University is a consolidated storehouse of valuable information about the faculties, the programs of studies offered, the vast field of subject choices, available academic facilities, credit hour requirements, steps to be followed for seeking admission, attendance requirements, periodic tests and semester examinations etc. The University prospectus contains information about all the academic aspects and norms in vogue at the Lahore Leads University.
The Students’ Handbook
The Directorate of University publications keeps on updating the rules, regulations and norms in accordance with the approvals by the relevant statutory bodies and publishes the same in the form of a handbook, provided to all the students seeking information and admission to the various programs of study offered by the University. This document goes a long way in the process of orientation of the students to the established processes of learning and the prescribed norms of behavior maintained on the campuses.
The University Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Lahore Leads University is a publication, covering all the salient developments, meetings, visits to the University by the dignitaries, study visits by the students to various places of professional significance, distinctions achieved by the faculty and by the students, cultural and social activities and functions and contests involving sports and physical activities. The pictorial aspect of the University Newsletter is a unique feature of the publication and it has resulted in engendering keen interest among those who flip through the pages of the publication.
Lahore Leads University Annual Report
The Annual Report of the Lahore Leads University provides an overall insight into the different aspects of the University life. The document provides information about all major developments and advancements in all fields of academic and extra-curricular nature. The administrative set-up of the University, the variety of disciplines of study, student and faculty strength, the outcome of research endeavors, on-going research projects, seminars held or attended, conferences arranged or attended, distinctions achieved, meetings and symposia held or attended, participation in physical and sports contests are all reflected in the Annual Report.
Lahore Leads University Convocation Booklet
The Lahore Leads University convocation Booklet is a publication of commemorative value, treasured by the passing out graduates. The booklet contains the complete scheme of the proceedings followed on the auspicious occasion, program-wise names of the students on whom degrees and distinctions were conferred at the convocation.
Lahore Leads University Media_coverage Wing
The Media –Coverage wing of the Lahore Leads University projects a panoramic view of the institution through prompt up-dating of information on any component of the university. In addition to the latest notifications, detailed particulars of the learned faculty are perused by the students with special interest. Directorte of University publications is responsible for proof-reading and editing any material including the faculty profiles and CV’s before uploading the same on the University webpage.
The Directorate of University Publications has been established at Lahore Leads University with the object of propagating the affairs and functioning of the University among the people at large. This out-reach component of the University facilitates the maintenance of a close relationship between the University and her major stake-holders i.e. the students. It also engenders an air of familiarity and friendship between the University administration and the government through timely projection of the salient academic and co-curricular activities on the campus. The university publications are of perennial value as the directorate chronicles all developments – statutory, administrative, academic, infra-structural or of co-curricular kind, on periodical basis. The Directorate of University publications brings out updated editions of the publications mentioned below, with the purpose of facilitating the students in learning about the general norms followed on the campus and maintaining a record of happenings and decisions for ready reference.
The University Prospectus
Prospectus of the Lahore Leads University is a consolidated storehouse of valuable information about the faculties, the programs of studies offered, the vast field of subject choices, available academic facilities, credit hour requirements, steps to be followed for seeking admission, attendance requirements, periodic tests and semester examinations etc. The University prospectus contains information about all the academic aspects and norms in vogue at the Lahore Leads University.
The Students’ Handbook
The Directorate of University publications keeps on updating the rules, regulations and norms in accordance with the approvals by the relevant statutory bodies and publishes the same in the form of a handbook, provided to all the students seeking information and admission to the various programs of study offered by the University. This document goes a long way in the process of orientation of the students to the established processes of learning and the prescribed norms of behavior maintained on the campuses.
The University Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Lahore Leads University is a publication, covering all the salient developments, meetings, visits to the University by the dignitaries, study visits by the students to various places of professional significance, distinctions achieved by the faculty and by the students, cultural and social activities and functions and contests involving sports and physical activities. The pictorial aspect of the University Newsletter is a unique feature of the publication and it has resulted in engendering keen interest among those who flip through the pages of the publication.
Lahore Leads University Annual Report
The Annual Report of the Lahore Leads University provides an overall insight into the different aspects of the University life. The document provides information about all major developments and advancements in all fields of academic and extra-curricular nature. The administrative set-up of the University, the variety of disciplines of study, student and faculty strength, the outcome of research endeavors, on-going research projects, seminars held or attended, conferences arranged or attended, distinctions achieved, meetings and symposia held or attended, participation in physical and sports contests are all reflected in the Annual Report.
Lahore Leads University Convocation Booklet
The Lahore Leads University convocation Booklet is a publication of commemorative value, treasured by the passing out graduates. The booklet contains the complete scheme of the proceedings followed on the auspicious occasion, program-wise names of the students on whom degrees and distinctions were conferred at the convocation.
Lahore Leads University Media coverage Wing
The Media –Coverage wing of the Lahore Leads University projects a panoramic view of the institution through prompt up-dating of information on any component of the university. In addition to the latest notifications, detailed particulars of the learned faculty are perused by the students with special interest. Directorte of University publications is responsible for proof-reading and editing any material including the faculty profiles and CV’s before uploading the same on the University webpage.