leads at a Glance

Quest for excellence
LLU's quest for academic excellence is based on five fundamental pillars; the students, the faculty, the curriculum, the learning environment and the civil society we serve. We stand committed that in our academic offerings we shall not only follow the standards, we shall also set new "Records of Excellence."
The Faculties Departments
There are five faculties and each faculty comprises of multiple departments. The Faculty of Computer Sciences has two departments: Department of CS & IT and Department of Mathematics. The Faculty of Engineering has two departments: Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering. The Faculty of Businessn Administration has one department:Department of Business Administration. The Faculty of Commerce has one department: Department of Economics. The Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences has ten departments: Department of Education, Department of Law, Department of English, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Department of Mass Communication, Department of Sociology, Department of Psychology, Department of Urdu, Department of Islamic Studies and Department of Politics & IR. The University, through the offices of the Registrar and Controller of Examinations and the directorates provides an environment conducive to teaching and learning at LLU.
The Responsibilities:
The Faculties and its Departments are responsible for:
• Determining the curriculum
• Organizing lectures, seminars and projects
• Setting and marking examinations
• Maintaining academic excellence and professionalism
• Providing an environment conducive to learning, teaching, academic inquiry and innovation